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Rainbow Girls NYE Fashion Jocuri Fete

adăugat la 30 Dec 2023 29 timp joc 1 Jucător, Îmbrăcare, HTML5, Înfrumuseţare / Machiaj, Mobil, Touchscreen

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Descrierea jocului:

Welcome to Rainbow Girls NYE Fashion game here at! Skyler, Sunny, Ruby, and Violet are the best friends. They are planning for the NYE fashion to welcome the upcoming year with their stunning look. But they need expert help to do better. Join and help them as a fashion designer for these girls. Have fun! In this first level of this Makeup level, help Skyler to pick cute colors of eyeshades, Blushes, lip, and eye color. Then choose a cute hairstyle which suits her. Then browse her wardrobe and find a perfect Outfit and jewelry for her. Once you did with Skyler, Now it’s time for Sunny. Help her with makeup and hairstyles. Browse something different outfit than Skyler. For Ruby, Pick cute red shades of eyeshades, blushes, and lip color. And give her perfect outfits and accessories which suit her hair color. Finally, it’s time for Violet to choose a cool color of makeup and give a perfect outfit and accessories for her. Enjoy playing these new cute games for girls. Enjoy playing this cute girl game here at!

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Rainbow Girls NYE Fashion
Rainbow Girls NYE Fashion
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