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Princesses Fantasy Makeover Jocuri Fete

adăugat la 26 Jul 2023 44 timp joc 1 Jucător, Îmbrăcare, Prinţesă, HTML5, Înfrumuseţare / Machiaj, Mobil, Touchscreen, Bitent

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Descrierea jocului:

Picture the four royal princesses, each hailing from a fantastical world bursting with enchantment and mystery, ready for your magic touch! Unleash your creativity and imagination in the makeup level, where a veritable treasure trove of beauty products awaits you. Choose from a dazzling array of eyeshadow hues, as shimmery as a morning dew on a fairy's wing. Shape those brows into arches as majestic as a rainbow bridge, and choose lashes that flutter like magical butterflies. And don't forget the mesmerizing eyes! With colors as striking as the most exotic gemstones in the kingdom, they'll be sure to hypnotize all who dare to gaze upon them. Enjoy playing this girl game here at!

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Princesses Fantasy Makeover
Princesses Fantasy Makeover
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