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Pet Salon Doggy Days Jocuri Fete

adăugat la 14 Mar 2017 271 timp joc 1 Jucător, Câine, Abilități Mouse, Îmbrăcare, Animal, Îngrijit, HTML5

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Descrierea jocului:

They have a special offer at the Pampered Paws Salon: it’s the doggy day today and all the little furry pets are invited to get a professional care. You, as a pet lover, are also invited to join in and be the lucky one to spoil all the little animals entering your pet spa. So let’s meet the clients: a cute pitfall, a loving german shepherd, a furry cocker spaniel, a tinny yorkie and even a labrador are waiting for their turn to come and be spoiled. Check your computer to see who’s the first in line, then spot the lucky pet from the ones waiting in line, take it to the spa and let the spoiling session begin. Give him a warm bubble bath, comb his fur, choose some nice accessories for a complete new look. Happy with your work? Then make sure to shoot a photo!

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Pet Salon Doggy Days
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