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Baby Hazel Goes Sick Jocuri Fete

adăugat la 23 Apr 2013 678 timp joc 1 Jucător, Flash, Bebeluș, HTML5, Mobil, Touchscreen, Îngrijire, Doctor, Baby Hazel

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Descrierea jocului:

Today Baby Hazel got sick. She has a bit of cough and while playing she hurt her arm. Now due to all these she got fever too. Pay attention to her when she wakes up. Give her your warmest hug and sweet little kisses! Look into her face, how much she needs your care and attention. Check her temperature and take her to the doctor for medical treatment. All you need to do is it treat her and make her well as soon as possible. Listen to Baby Hazels heartbeats. Check temperature and give medicines for fever. Remove her cough and give cough syrup to soothe her throat. Also do a complete dressing to her arm and get a complete check-out.

Butoane joc

Use mouse to play this game. Enjoy!

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Acest joc este parte dintr-o serie:Baby Hazel

Baby Hazel Goes Sick
Baby Hazel Goes Sick
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